Component LANA–Loan-Associated Names and Addresses

The LANA component’s methods are defined to accept the user's SBA account, password and use existing SBA security component to validate the user account/password.

The LANA component has 2 methods, both called in the legacy manner (using WSDL, not structures) - Loan Search method and Loan Update method.

The input to the Loan search method is one of the following: Loan number, TaxId (10 digits, 0 or 1 in the first digit determines whether it’s an EIN or SSN), Partial business name or Partial Last name. It returns the XML file of loan information of all the loans matching the search criteria.

The Loan Update method provides can be used to add a new associate or update the Names and addresses of an existing associate for a given loan.

An XML file of synopsis is returned to the user or the invoking application.