Method LoanAuthServicing

LoanAuthServicing retrieves a loan authorization document for a given loan in the servicing system. The loan may be any you’re allowed to view.

API Documentation
SOAP Component:
SOAP Method: SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs
Or: SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString that decodes to a structure
Keys of the Input Structure:
  • MethodNamePhysical
  • Mandatory. Must be “LoanAuthServicing”.
  • CLSUsername
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s username with at least read permission in Servicing.
  • CLSPassword
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s password with at least read permission in Servicing.
  • Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login.
  • ApplicationNumber
  • Mandatory. SBA Application Number of app to be extracted.
  • SoftwareVendorCode
  • Mandatory. A private code that authorizes use of SoftwareVendorName.
  • SoftwareVendorName
  • Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Vendor Table.
  • EMail
  • Mandatory. Email address of person making the call.
  • LoanAuthAppList
  • Optional. Allows extracting multiple apps in one XML file. (See below.)
  • LoanAuthLoanList
  • Optional. Allows retrieving documents for multiple loans in one XML file. (See below.)
    Keys of the Output Structure:
  • ErrorMessageEnglish
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message.
  • ErrorMessageTechnical
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users.
  • PasswordUpdateRequired
  • “Yes”, “No”, number of days till expiration or “TBD” (prior to validating login).
  • ResponseData
  • XML response containing the encoded pdf binary of the loan authorization document.

    For examples of calling flexible, structured methods, see Flexible Structure of Inputs

    If ApplicationNumber is given, it overrides LoanAuthAppList and LoanAuthLoanList. If ApplicationNumber is not given, and LoanAuthAppList is given, it must contain a comma-delimited list of SBA application numbers, and it overrides LoanAuthLoanList. If neither ApplicationNumber nor LoanAuthAppList is given, LoanAuthLoanList becomes mandatory and must contain a comma-delimited list of SBA loan numbers (10-digit format preferred). In all cases, the CLS login account must have read access to the requested loan(s). When a list is specified, all extracted loan authorization documents will be contained in a single XML file, as allowed by the SBA_ETran XML format.