Method MicroloanUpload

This one method can be used to initially associate new microloans with a given microlender (known as Origination) or to update existing associated microloans (known as Servicing). SBA_MicroloanOrigination.xsd currently defines 38 data elements. In contrast, SBA_MicroloanServicing.xsd currently defines only 10 elements, primarily related to status and repayment.

API Documentation
SOAP Component:
SOAP Method: SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs
Or: SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString that decodes to a structure
REST Component: /rest/microloan/flexible/
REST METHOD: /rest/microloan/flexible/SharedEntryPoint , only input is structure Inputs
Or: /rest/microloan/flexible/SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString
Keys of the Input Structure:
  • MethodNamePhysical
  • Mandatory. Must be “MicroloanUpload”.
  • CLSUsername
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s username with update permissions in Microloan for microlender.
  • CLSPassword
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s password with update permissions in Microloan for microlender.
  • Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login.
  • RequestData
  • Mandatory. XML in SBA_MicroloanOrigination or SBA_MicroloanServicing format.
  • RequestDataType
  • Mandatory. “Origination” or “Servicing”. Must match RequestData XML’s type.
  • EMail
  • Mandatory. The microlender’s email addess.
    Keys of the Output Structure:
  • ErrorMessageEnglish
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message.
  • ErrorMessageTechnical
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users.
  • PasswordUpdateRequired
  • “Yes”, “No”, number of days till expiration or “TBD” (prior to validating login).
  • ResponseData
  • XML in SBA_MicroloanResponse.xsd format.

    For examples of calling flexible, structured methods, see Flexible Structure of Inputs

    Origination XML can contain any number of microloans, but each one can contain only one borrower (the primary borrower), the primary borrower’s race code and the code for the purpose of the loan. If the microloan meets these restrictions it can be uploaded as SBA_MicroloanOrigination XML.

  • Within a Loan element, data elements may appear in any order.
  • If OutstandingBalance is not given, it will be defaulted to the LoanAmt. That is, unless you tell us differently, we assume that the Microloan is fully disbursed and no payments have yet been made.
  • If Status code is not given, it will be defaulted to the number 1. That's the code for "current or less than 30 days delinquent".
  • The response XML will contain the generated LoanSeqNmb for each microloan. You will need it or the LenderLoanNmb AND LoanNmb to do Servicing.
  • If you enter a Lender Loan Number/Loan Number in multiple files, or reupload a file with failed elements, any loans that have already been saved will be ignored and not resaved.
  • The data elements BorrRuralUrbanInd and LoanBorrEIDLInd have been deprecated. Their values are now inferred based on zip code.

  • Servicing XML may also contain any number of Microloans. Each one must contain LoanNmb AND LenderLoanNmb OR the SBA-generated LoanSeqNmb (to identify uniquely which microloan), which you were given at the time of submitting a microloan’s Origination XML. Additionally, it may contain OutstandingBalance and/or Status. If one of those 2 data elements is not given, it's not changed, so it's okay to provide only OutstandingBalance or only Status. For status “Paid in Full” loans, the elements GrossRevenue, JobsCreatedRetained, and CurrentlyInBusiness are mandatory.