Component ObjectUpload (Also Known As DocumentUpload)

The ObjectUpload component uses a flexible interface almost identical to that of ELend component, except for a couple of things:

  1. It implements only SharedEntryPoint, not also SharedEntryString for JSON.
  2. SharedEntryPoint accepts 2 inputs, not just 1: a structure named Inputs and a binary large object called InputFile.

It’s worth pointing out that structures are limited to structures of strings (only strings) in older versions of SOAP. Newer SOAP standards allow for more complex structures, including structure keys that have binary large objects as their value. But not all of the SBA’s partners have the ability to perform Web Services with newer versions of SOAP. Also, there isn’t any standard JSON serialization for PDF files, or wasn’t at the time this component was created. So this minor modification of the “structure-in/structure-out” design is well-justified.

Document Naming and Size Standards

  1. The document File Name must contain only Alphanumeric Characters, Hyphens (-), or Underscores (_).
  2. Document name size – max is 256 characters
  3. It must also contain one period (.) followed by a valid file extension. There is a Document Extension Code Table that can be used or checked to get the valid Document Types.

There are 10 document types listed below.

Extension Type Extension Description
GIF Graphics Interchange Format
JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group
XLS Microsoft Excel Worksheet Sheet
DOC Microsoft Word Document
DOCX Office Open XML Document
XLSX Office Open XML Worksheet Sheet
PDF Portable Document Format
PNG Portable Network Graphics
TXT Text File