Method OrigByPass

If a processing method and requested loan amount require the SBA to do credit scoring, it’s possible for a loan application to go to Improper Score or Screened Out status. Once that happens, processing of the application normally stops. It will not be approved nor proceed on to funding. However, if the lender’s agreements with the SBA grant the lender direct approval authority, the lender may invoke that authority and directly approve the loan by calling OrigBypass. This is a web service equivalent to a process allowed in the Loan Origination web pages.

The loan application is identified by web service inputs ApplicationNumber, LocationId and RequestedAmount. The latter 2 inputs make sure that there wasn’t a typographical error in ApplicationNumber. OrigBypass must be called by a lender, ApplicationNumber must exist and belong to that lender, the lender’s agreements must have granted the lender direct authority to approve that application, which the lender didn’t relinquish, the LocationId input must match the application’s Location ID, and the RequestedAmount input must match the application’s Requested Amount. In addition, the act of calling OrigBypass alone isn’t sufficient. The lender must also certify acknowledgement of the credit risk by passing a CreditRiskCertification input containing “Yes”.

OrigBypass overrides only the credit scoring status, not the legal requirements of the application. If an eligibility question wasn’t answered, for example, OrigBypass will return validation errors in the ResponseData output and the application will be left in Application In-Process status.

API Documentation
SOAP Component:
SOAP Method: SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs
Or: SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString that decodes to a structure
REST Component: /rest/elend/flexible
REST METHOD: /rest/elend/flexible/SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs
Or: /rest/elend/flexible/SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString
Keys of the Input Structure:
  • MethodNamePhysical
  • Mandatory. Must be “OrigByPass”.
  • CLSUsername
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s username with update permissions in Origination.
  • CLSPassword
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s password with update permissions in Origination.
  • Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login.
  • ApplicationNumber
  • Mandatory. The SBA application number.
  • CreditRiskCertification
  • Mandatory. Must be “Yes”. Lender certifies that they accept the credit risk.
  • EMail
  • Mandatory. EMail address to receive funding email.
  • LocationId
  • Mandatory. The lender’s SBA Location Id as a cross-check of ApplicationNumber.
  • RequestedAmount
  • Mandatory. The application’s requested as a cross-check of ApplicationNumber.
  • SoftwareVendorCode
  • Mandatory. A private code that authorizes use of SoftwareVendorName.
  • SoftwareVendorName
  • Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Vendor Table.
  • ErrTyp
  • Optional. 1 (English) or 2 (XML, default) names in validation error messages.
  • ApplicationNumber
  • Mandatory. The SBA application number.
    Keys of the Output Structure:
  • ErrorMessageEnglish
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message.
  • ErrorMessageTechnical
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users.
  • PasswordUpdateRequired
  • “Yes”, “No”, number of days till expiration or “TBD” (prior to validating login).
  • ResponseData
  • XML or JSON in SBA_ETran_Response.xsd format.

    For examples of calling flexible, structured methods, see Flexible Structure of Inputs For an explanation of REST calls, see Calling Rest Methods