Component PIMS2 – Partner Information Management System

The PIMS2 component uses the flexible interface identical to that of ELend component, except for a few things:

The lastest XSD for PIMS Search is: Search.xsd

The lastest XSD for PIMS Update is: Update.xsd

It doesn’t use shared entry points and MethodNamePhysical to identify the web services. The method names are still controlled by WSDL. And there aren’t any equivalent methods whose sole input is a JSON string.

In addition, the Output structure key ResponseData is renamed to Response in the cases of Search and Update, and it’s renamed to Comment in the case of PasswordUpdate.

Finally, the Output structure contains an extra key ResultCode, which is 0 for success or various other codes for failure (shared by all methods in PIMS2), as follows:

-1 No Change
-2 Method Not Implemented Yet
-3 Inputs Not Defined
-4 Username Not Defined
-5 Username Null string
-6 Password Not Defined
-7 Password Null string
-8 Didn’t Have CLS Role
-9 Login Failure
-10 New Password Not Defined
-11 New Password Null string
-12 New Password Minimum 8 Chars
-13 New Password Same As Old Password
-14 New Password Contains Bad Chars
-15 New Password Update Failed
-16 No Search Criteria
-17 Insufficient Search Criteria
-20 User is not SBA Added for Update where the user must be an SBA Employee or SBA Contractor.
-21 Pending Agreement Exists An agreement can only have a single Pending agreement at a time. Basically it is an agreement that has a future effective date.
-22 Active Agreement Exists If we try to add an agreement and one already is active then as long as the new agreement will be effective after the existing one expires then we are okay
-50 Didn’t Say What To Do No object set. Or an invalid object.
-90 Database Error One of the calls failed.
-98 Miscellaneous error message
-99 CFTry Caught An Error In The CFC File
-0 Success Insert worked.