Method Update
The Update method is intended to be used by SBA users to update PIMS data based upon their update roles for PIMS. Currently only Agreements are included.
SOAP Component: | |
SOAP Method: | Update, only input is structure Inputs. (No JSON-string equivalent method.) |
Keys of the Input Structure: | |
Mandatory. CLS login’s username with read permissions in PIMS. | |
Mandatory. CLS login’s password with read permissions in PIMS. | |
Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login. | |
Mandatory. XML in /pims/xsd/Update.xsd format. See below. | |
Keys of the Output Structure: | |
Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message. | |
Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users. | |
“Yes”, “No”, number of days till expiration or “TBD” (prior to validating login). | |
XML in /pims/xsd/UpdateResponse.xsd format. | |
0 for success, some other value for failure. (The number returned is significant.) |
For examples of calling flexible, structured methods, see Flexible Structure of Inputs
XML Element | Represents | 1-to-1 or 1-to-many relationship |
PartnerUpdateList | Root Tag, starting point | One per XML submission Contains one or more Partner objects |
Partner | Partner object | |
LocID | Headquarters Location Identifier | One per Partner |
AgreementList | The Partner’s agreements with the SBA | One Per Partner Contains one or more Agreement objects |
Agreement | Agreement object | |
Action | What to do with the Agreement: Add, Renew, Terminate, Update | One per Agreement. |
AgrmtTyp | Type of Agreement See Code Table application:PIMS Agreement Class Table | One per Agreement |
AgrmtEffDt | Agreement’s effective start date | One per Agreement |
AgrmtExprDt | Agreement’s expiration date | One per Agreement |