Release Notes for API Documentation Site
Release Notes for Component Elend
Etran xsd Version: 8.1 Publication Date: 08/01/2024. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
Support for ETRAN-Orig and ETRAN-Servicing: Working Capital Program Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file): Added new XML tags for WorkingCapitalProgram. Changes documented in SBA_ETran.8.1.orig.xsd (Origination) and SBA_ETran.8.1.serv.xsd (Servicing): <wcp - DeliveryMethodAsset wcp - DeliveryMethodTrans wcp - DomesticAdvPct wcp - ForeignAdvPct wcp - InventoryAdvPct wcp - SBAExpRefiInd Etran xsd Version: 8.0 Publication Date: 07/08/2024. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
Publication Date: 07/05/2024. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
Support for ETRAN-Orig: SBA Form 1244 ETRAN modifications (Phase 2) - CDC related change. Servicing will have same change. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file): Added new XML tags for Application and Hold Status. Changes documented in SBA_ETran.7.5.orig.xsd (Origination) and SBA_ETran.7.5.serv.xsd (Servicing): <app - LenderUnderwriterEmplStatus app - LenderUnderwriterName app - CDCorTPLDebt app - CDCRequestException app - CDCRequestWaiver app - FedAgncyCDCReqExceptionInstallPayment app - ProjFundRelocate app - ProjEligCDCPortfolioJobRatio app - ProjElig504DebtRefAltJobGoal app - Approved4PrevSpcPurpsProj Added new XML tags for 1244 professional license for Borrower for Origination and Servicing : borr - ProfLicenseRequired Added new XML tags for 1244 professional license for Guarantor for Origination and Servicing : guar - ProfLicenseRequired Etran xsd Version: 7.4 Publication Date: 03/28/2024. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
Support for Terms and Condition - Blanket Lien for Collateral under Personal Property more generic name CollateralBlanketLien. Servicing will have same change. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file): Added new XML tag CollatBlnktLn <collatblnktln - CollateralSequenceNmb collatblnktln - BlanketLienCd Added new MANDATORY Validations for 1919 Questions, effective 60 days starting from Phase 1 deployment date Added new XML tag LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt for Associate, Borrower, Guarantor, Principal for Origination and Servicing : assoc - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt borr - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt guar - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt prin - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt Added new XML tags for BusinessSpecialOwnership for Origination and Servicing : busspcownrshp - TaxId busspcownrshp - SpecialOwnershipCd busspcownrshp - SpecialOwnershipOtherTxt Added new XML tag LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt for Associate, Borrower, Guarantor, Principal for Origination and Servicing : assoc - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt borr - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt guar - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt prin - LegalOrgnztnOtherTxt Added new XML tags for BusinessSpecialOwnership for Origination and Servicing : busspcownrshp - TaxId busspcownrshp - SpecialOwnershipCd busspcownrshp - SpecialOwnershipOtherTxt Added new XML tags for Borrower/Principal Form 1919 questions for Origination and Servicing : borr - ApplicantPaidFee borr - IntrstOthBusinessInd borr - ExporterEstTotalSales borr - ExporterPrincipalCountriesList Added new XML tags for Borrower/Principal Form 1919 questions for Origination and Servicing : borr - ApplicantPaidFee borr - IntrstOthBusinessInd borr - ExporterEstTotalSales borr - ExporterPrincipalCountriesList guar - ExporterEstTotalSales guar - ExporterPrincipalCountriesList prin - PrevGovFinInd prin - ExporterEstTotalSales prin - ExporterPrincipalCountriesList Etran xsd Version: 7.3 Publication Date: 10/12/2023. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
app - LoanApplicAppvDt app - LoanApplicRecvDt app - LoanApplicStatusCd app - LoanEntryDt app - LoanSourcTypCd app - LoanStatusDt app - NAICSYear app - ProjectCountyCd apphold - HoldStatusCd apphold - HoldStatusCertDt apphold - HoldStatusDescription apphold - HoldStatusEndDt apphold - HoldStatusStartDt borr - EmployeeSize borr - RevenueAmt Added new XML tag to set Controlling Interest Indicator. Changes documented in SBA_ETran.7.3.orig.xsd (Origination): borr - ControlInterestInd prin - ControlInterestInd Etran xsd Version: 7.2 Publication Date: 09/28/2023. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
app - CalendarBasisCode
guar - LifeInsuranceInd guar - LifeInsuredName guar - LifeInsuranceAmt Added new XML tags for StandbyAgreement for Origination and Servicing : stbyagrmt - InjectionAuthInd Added new XML tags for StandbyAgreement for Origination and Servicing : stbyagrmt - InjectionTypeCode stbyagrmt - LineOfCreditIndicator stbyagrmt - TermsInYears Added new XML tags for Collateral, CollateralLien and Borrower Contribution for Origination and Servicing : collat - Endorsement collat - FixtureEquipmentAppraisal collat - MortgTaxesLiens collat - NoExceptionMechLiens collat - NotContMGLSec21eException collat - PriorOpenEndLienInd collat - RequestForNoticeInd collat - SecureLienHolderVerifyInd collat - StatemntNonHomesteadInd collat - StatutoryCondPowerInd collat - TitleAmount collat - WithoutStdException collat - WithoutStdSurException collat - WithoutExceptionToHomestead collat - WritnAgrmtPriorLienHoldInd collat - WritnWaiverBusHomesteadInd collat - WritnWaiverRedemptnRightInd collat - WritnWaiverHomesteadInd collatlien - CollatLienRevolvingInd collatlien - CollatLienLimitAmount borrcontrib - BorrowerContribtnSeqNmb borrcontrib - BorrowerContribtnTypCd borrcontrib - BorrowerContribtnAmount Added presave validation for actions to be restricted to SBA Users, applicable to all 504 loans Etran xsd Version: 7.1 Publication Date: 08/01/2021. Support for Deferment "Delete" and Regenerate Schedule actions. Servicing will have same change. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
Support for Loan Authorization Added new field Other Closing costs for the 504 debenture. This is entered only for 504 transactions. Servicing will have same change. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file): Changes documented in SBA_ETran.7.1.orig.xsd (Origination) and SBA_ETran.7.1.serv.xsd (Servicing):
Publication Date: 04/29/2021. Support for Loan Authorization - Use of Proceeds Sub more generic name UseofProceedsSub. Servicing will have same change. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
Publication Date: 04/29/2021. Support for ITIN certification indicator added. XML tag EINCertInd has been replaced more generic name TaxIdCertind. They reside under the Borrower,Principal,Guarantor and Associate. Servicing will have same change. Changes documented in SBA_ETranTypes.xsd (this file):
Release Notes for Component Micoloan
Microloan xsd Version: 1.3 Publication Date: 02/17/2022. Changes documented in SBA_MicroloanTypes.xsd (this file):
Publication Date: 07/14/2020. Changes documented in SBA_MicroloanTypes.xsd (this file):
Publication Date: 02/27/2017. Changes documented in SBA_MicroloanTypes.xsd (this file):
Changes documented in SBA_MicroloanTypes.xsd (this file):
For some of the major milestones in Elend versions, please refer to XML Application Implementation Issues