Notes on SBA_ETran_Response

Notes on SBA_ETran_Response formatted XML or JSON returned in the Output structure’s ResponseData:

  • “LoanName”, “RequestedAmt”, “LoanAppRecvDt”, “LoanAppPrtLoanNm”, and “LoanAppPrtAppNm” are returned to support matching of submitted application to response.
  • “LoanAppEtranEmailAdr” will be used as a backup communication path.
  • If the primary borrower business’ DUNS number was looked up during the request, “BusDUNSNmb” will be returned.
  • If the application was credit scored during the request, “LiquidCreditScore” will be returned.
  • “LoanAppAppvDt” and “LoanAppSBAAppvAmt” will be supplied for applications passing SBA’s validation rules.
  • “LoanNmb” (the SBA’s loan number, used in future communications), “LoanGntyFeeAmt”, and “LoanAppFundDt” will generally be supplied for all applications passing the SBA’s validation rules; however in the event of a shortage of funding authority to complete the guaranty of the loan this information will be supplied by e-mail as soon as funding authority is available on a FIFO basis.