Method ServicingStatus
Retrieve status information about an application based on the SBA’s application number, the lender’s application number or the lender’s loan number.
SOAP Component: | |
SOAP Method: | SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs |
Or: | SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString that decodes to a structure |
Keys of the Input Structure: | |
Mandatory. Must be “ServicingStatus”. | |
Mandatory. CLS login’s username with update permissions in Servicing. | |
Mandatory. CLS login’s password with update permissions in Servicing. | |
Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login. | |
Mandatory. A private code that authorizes use of SoftwareVendorName. | |
Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Vendor Table. | |
Optional. The SBA application number. One of these 3 is required. | |
Optional. The lender’s application number. One of these 3 is required. | |
Optional. The lender’s loan number. One of these 3 is required. | |
Keys of the Output Structure: | |
Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message. | |
Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users. | |
“Yes”, “No”, number of days till expiration or “TBD” (prior to validating login). | |
XML or JSON in SBA_ETran_Response.xsd format. |
For examples of calling flexible, structured methods, see Flexible Structure of Inputs For an explanation of REST calls, see Calling Rest Methods