Method SharedEntryPoint
This web service allows an Adobe Portable Document Format file (TXT, PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and XLSX) to be uploaded to an associated loan in Elend. It can be attached to a loan application, a loan that is being serviced, or a loan in post-servicing. The document may also be attached to a Gauranty Purchase (GPTS).
Only PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, TXT, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, and XLSX types of files will be accepted and should be under 30 MB. Unlike other web services, there is no XML for this web service, there are two arguments accepted, Inputs and InputFile.
All documents are scanned for Viruses and the process can, depending on the size of the file, add up to 180 seconds to the processing time.
Some document types allow for multiple copies of the documents to be uploaded. The API does not currently allow for the deletion of an uploaded document. So if a document is uploaded by mistake the user will have to log into the Elend web application to manually delete the document before the replacement document can be uploaded.
SOAP Component: | |
SOAP Method: | SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs. (No JSON-string equivalent method.) |
Keys of the Input Structure: | |
Mandatory. CLS login’s username with update permissions in Origination. | |
Mandatory. CLS login’s password with update permissions in Origination. | |
Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login. | |
Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Business Process Code table. | |
Mandatory. SBA app number or loan number to be associated with the PDF file. | |
Mandatory. “LoanApp” if FinancialInstrumentNum is an app or “LoanNmb” if it’s a loan. | |
Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Loan Document Type table. | |
Mandatory. Name of the file being uploaded. | |
Mandatory. SBA Location Id. Must match app/loan identified by FinancialInstrumentNum. | |
Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Vendor Table. | |
N/A for Lenders, Mandatory for SBA users. Must match SBA user’s Office Code in cls. | |
Keys of the Output Structure: | |
Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message. | |
Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users. | |
“Yes”, “No”, number of days till expiration or “TBD” (prior to validating login). | |
XML in SBA_ETran_Response.xsd format. |
For examples of calling flexible, structured methods, see Flexible Structure of Inputs For an explanation of REST calls, see Calling Rest Methods
The LocationId must match the Location ID of the app or loan being associated with the file, of course, as mentioned above. But in addition, the user’s CLS login must be authorized to update that app or loan.