- MethodNamePhysical
Mandatory. Must be “Submit1502Reporting”. |
- CLSUsername
Mandatory. CLS login’s username with update permissions in FTA Portal. |
- CLSPassword
Mandatory. CLS login’s password with update permissions in FTA Portal. |
Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login. |
- EMail
Optional. EMail address to receive email responses. |
- SoftwareVendorCode
Mandatory. A private code that authorizes use of SoftwareVendorName. |
- SoftwareVendorName
Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Vendor Table. |
- FormatIn
Optional. Format of RequestData, if any. XML or JSON. See Format IN/OUT Defaults. |
- items
Mandatory. Parent field, will contain all items passed through |
- items
Mandatory. Will contain details information for each record |
- SBALoan
Mandatory. Accepted Type: string/integer |
- LndrAcctNum
Mandatory. Accepted Type: string/integer |
- NextDueDate
Mandatory. Accepted Type: date .ie mm/dd/yyyy |
- status
Mandatory. Accepted Type: string/integer |
- AmtDisbursed
Mandatory. Accepted Type: decimal |
- AmtUndisbursed
Mandatory. Accepted Type: decimal |
- IntRate
Mandatory. Accepted Type: decimal |
- GuarIntAmt
Mandatory. Accepted Type: decimal |
- GuarPrinAmt
Mandatory. Accepted Type: decimal |
- AmtRemittedFta
Mandatory. Accepted Type: integer |
- IntFrom
Mandatory. Accepted Type: date .ie mm/dd/yyyy |
- IntTo
Mandatory. Accepted Type: date .ie mm/dd/yyyy |
- IntDays
Mandatory. Accepted Type: integer |
- IntBasis
Mandatory. Accepted Type: decimal |
- GuarClosing
Mandatory. Accepted Type: integer |
- PenaltyAmt
Mandatory. Accepted Type: decimal |
Keys of the Output Structure: |
- Successful
“Yes”, “No”. |
- ResponseData
XML or JSON determined with data type submitted. |
- ErrorMessageEnglish
Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message. |
- ErrorMessageTechnical
Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users. |