Method Underwriting

This method allows SBA users with underwriting privileges to enter a decision and possible changes to a Loan Origination application.

SOAP Component:
SOAP Method: SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs
Or: SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString that decodes to a structure
REST Component: /rest/elend/flexible
REST Method: /rest/elend/flexible/SharedEntryPoint, only input is structure Inputs
Or: /rest/elend/flexible/SharedEntryString, only input is JSON string InputString
Keys of the Input Structure:
  • MethodNamePhysical
  • Mandatory. Must be “Underwriting”.
  • CLSUsername
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s username with reviewer privileges in Origination.
  • CLSPassword
  • Mandatory. CLS login’s password with reviewer privileges in Origination.
  • Mandatory. PIN generated by Generate_PIN using the same login.
  • EMail
  • Mandatory. EMail address to receive funding email.
  • SoftwareVendorCode
  • Mandatory. A private code that authorizes use of SoftwareVendorName.
  • SoftwareVendorName
  • Mandatory. Value from Code Tables, Vendor Table.
  • ApplicationNumber
  • Mandatory. The SBA application number. App must be in R1, R2 or R3 status.
  • Decision
  • Optional. “AP” for approval, “DC” for decline or “WD” for withdrawal.
  • ErrTyp
  • Optional. 1 (English) or 2 (XML, default) names in validation error messages.
  • FormatIn
  • Optional. Format of RequestData. XML or JSON. See Format IN/OUT Defaults
  • FormatOut
  • Optional. Format of ResponseData. XML or JSON. See Format IN/OUT Defaults
  • FormatOut
  • Optional. XML or JSON in SBA_ETran format. Supported versions are 3.4i, 3.8i and 4.0+.
    Keys of the Output Structure:
  • ErrorMessageEnglish
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a generally-worded error message.
  • ErrorMessageTechnical
  • Should be nullstring. If not, a more helpful error message, but scarier to some users.
  • PasswordUpdateRequired
  • “Yes”, “No”, number of days till expiration or “TBD” (prior to validating login).
  • ResponseData
  • XML or JSON in SBA_ETran_Response.xsd format.

    For examples of calling flexible, structured methods, see Flexible Structure of Inputs For an explanation of REST calls, see Calling Rest Methods

    See “Notes on SBA_ETran_Response formatted XML or JSON”: Notes on SBA_ETran_Response

    If the Decision is 'AP', this argument may contain XML with changes to the loan's requested amount, project addresses and/or borrowers/principals, as specified by format. Otherwise, this argument must be the nullstring. Acceptable SBA_ETran versions for this argument are 3.4i, 3.8i and 4.0+.

    When using version 3.4i or 3.8i, elements other than LoanApplication automatically use “delete-and-insert logic.” That is, table-level elements other than LoanApplication, if given, are pre-deleted, so that those elements given in XML are inserted. This way of processing XML is described in detail at XML 3.8i Differences when Updating an Existing Application.

    (The Origination Update Web Service also uses version 3.8i. In many ways, Underwriting is similar to Origination Update, except for context: SBA reviewers use Underwriting to edit applications that are currently undergoing SBA underwriting (R1, R2 or R3 status), and Origination Update is used by lenders to update applications that are currently In-Process (IP status).)

    As of version 4.0 XML, however, delete-and-insert logic doesn’t happen automatically anymore. All table-level elements may have action attributes, like Servicing XML. This is also described in detail at XML 4.0+ Differences when Updating an Existing Application. For most table-level elements, the action attribute may be “delete”, “insert” or “update”, and the identity of the element is established by “prime keys”, just like rows in a database. See XML 4.0+ Action Attributes and “Prime Keys”.